Nature Strollers

The mission of the Nature Strollers is to support parents and grandparents in their role as primary interpreters of nature for their families; to provide opportunities for families to enjoy unstructured time outdoors; to familiarize families with local trails, refuges, sanctuaries and preserves; and to develop networks among families with a common interest in nature.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Goose Pond Mountain Created Wetlands, 23 April 2007

Kat posts...
None of us can stay away, what with the American Toads mating and laying eggs! We dare not miss the hatching of the tadpoles, so each time Sybil, Laurel or I have a free minute, we call each other and say, "Let's go to Goose Pond!"

On this particular day, we were observing what was probably the last day of the toad mating season for the year. There were virtually no females left in the pond, though the males were continuing their chorus. Sybil had Anderson and Olivia with her, and since Olivia was snuggled next to Sybil in her sling, Anderson wielded the pond net. After a few unsuccessful tries for a toad, he came up with a Pickerel Frog. We got great looks and pictures. Thanks, Anderson!

Anderson continued his quest to catch a toad, and Sybil, Laurel and I laughed at one individual who was clearly confused... and had missed the boat. This particular toad was desperately trying to mate with a cattail. That was a first for me!

After hanging around for a few more minutes listening to the chorus, we contemplating moving on. Sybil decided to head back (she had forgotten her stroller and Olivia was becoming heavy), but Laurel and I forged ahead. As we walked along the boardwalk we saw a Phoebe land on a branch right beside the boardwalk rail. Hoping to make it to the second and third ponds, we took only a few shots. Lily had started to become unhappy sitting in the stroller, and Acadia soon caught the "fussies." Laurel and I decided to take the shortcut back to the cars, and planned on returning later in the day (after much-needed naps).

Here is a short 3 1/2 minute movie I created with footage of the mating toads. Enjoy!

If you cannot view this video, click this link to view it externally on Google Video!


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