Salesian Park, 04 June 2008
Kat reflects on an impromptu jaunt to Salesian Park in Goshen...
As a last-minute outing after Musical Munchkins Laurel and I decided to head over to the pond in Salesian Park in Goshen. I had been there alone with the girls on Monday and the place was swarming with many different species of dragonflies and damselflies. The Pumpkinseed Sunfish had been guarding their circular "nests," chasing each other and splashing around enough so that the girls stood quietly watching them for a few minutes. We also saw the Muskrat swimming around in the water. I wanted to show this to Laurel; I thought this would make a great destination for a Nature Strollers outing.
Today it wasn't as hot, and so there wasn't as much happening... but we did see and hear a lot. The dragonflies were there but most of them were resting on the sedges and Phragmites leaves. A few of them bumbled into my net and we were able to get close-up views. While searching for more we saw some egg masses of various colors on the undersides of the leaves. Laurel's detective work later identified them as either Horse Fly or Deer Fly eggmasses, which are cream-colored when first laid and darken over time.
Laurel scooped up a Green Frog that was peering at us under the cover of the pond muck and Penelope laughed hysterically as it tried repeatedly to leap out of her net.
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