Goosepond Mountain Created Wetlands, 18 October 2008
We thought we'd find some Praying Mantis and some Monarch Butterfly caterpillars... but alas, there wasn't much out there today in terms of living creatures. Signs of their presence were everywhere, though. As the kids ran up and down the hill at the second pond they had to jump over a pile of Coyote scat... recognizable by the significant amount of hair inside. The kids had a blast releasing the seeds of the Milkweed plants into the breeze. Anderson proudly showed us more seeds and seed pods poking through the boardwalk railings. There were some lingering Wooly Alder Aphids on the branches of the alder near the path, but we didn't see any of the Harvester caterpillars. We eventually did see a Grasshopper (it landed right on Maya's sleeve).
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