Nature Strollers
The mission of the Nature Strollers is to support parents and grandparents in their role as primary interpreters of nature for their families; to provide opportunities for families to enjoy unstructured time outdoors; to familiarize families with local trails, refuges, sanctuaries and preserves; and to develop networks among families with a common interest in nature.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Nature Strollers are still out hiking, but our Blog is on temporary hiatus. Please click on the recent posts to the left for an overview of our family hiking club's adventures and advice. We will resume blogging when our work schedules allow. Thanks for your patience and keep on strolling!
Monday, April 05, 2010
Twenty Toads A-Trilling
This male is trilling, hoping to attract a female. American toads are among my favorite creatures for teaching children about the natural world. They call and lay eggs within inches of the shore, and are not startled by the approach of little feet. The Strollers and their kids are able to watch them sing, breed, and lay eggs close up. Then we can track the growth of the tadpoles on each subsequent trip. I must say that American toads are the mascots of the Nature Strollers, a perennial favorite, a wonderful sign of spring, and an auditory and visual treat.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The Strollers Celebrate the Vernal Equinox on the Trail
Two-and-a-half weeks ago we had three feet of snow.
One week ago we had inches and inches of flooding rains.
This week we have temps in the sixties and seventies!
It isn't every year we begin our outings in t-shirts and shorts.
What a way to welcome SPRING!
And a Carolina mantis egg case. Both had predator marks, woodpeckers or chickadees.
We tried to be quiet by the buttonbush swamp, but even so, the shy wood frogs would not sing.
Here are the dragonfly larva the kids found, an up close and personal view.
Camille found a snail!
Sebastian holds a caddisfly larva case made out of stems from aquatic vegetation.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Secret Messages and Hidden Gems
Other children have passed this way before us. They left behind a cryptic message
written on the smooth tablet of an artist's conch mushroom. Our kids look on, impressed, wishing they'd been the ones to find nature's sketchpad.
Our favorite state parks can be relied upon to reveal some hidden treasures this season. The gemstone-quality luster of the native salamanders: red eft, blue spotted, and redback are revealed as the kids overturn logs for a peek at the hidden worlds beneath.
Monday, November 09, 2009
Autumn Rambles--Sterling Forest
Sterling Forest State Park is our new stomping ground this season. The kids have grown and are enjoying the more challenging terrain. We climbed to the top of the Sterling Ridge. Here several Nature Strollers rest atop a glacial erratic made of puddingstone. We also saw the scrapes in the rock made by the passing glaciers of the last Ice Age.
Sterling Forest is home to a lovely lake.
Ripe pear-shaped puffballs provide lots of entertainment.
Olive brown spore clouds enchant the kids.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
No, She Doesn't Sting!
Sybil discovered this five inch long ichneumon wasp, Megarhyssa macrurus, on the side of a shagbark hickory tree at Goose Pond Mountain State Park. This impressive female wasp is a member of a predatory wasp species that sports a long, flexible ovipositor, or egg laying tube, that is often mistaken for a three to four inch stinger! This beautifully patterned wasp is harmless to humans. The purpose of the ovipositor is not defense but reproduction. The female identifies a potential host for her larva, the larva of another wasp species (the pigeon tremex wasp) deep within the tree by using her antenna to detect the chemical odor of a fungus that is associated with the host larva. She then drills through the wood of the tree with her ovipositor and lays her eggs on the wasp larva within. When the Megarhyssa wasp's eggs hatch, they make a meal of the pigeon tremex wasp larva. I was triply impressed by this creature, for her beauty, size and complex ecological role. Thanks, Sybil!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Orchid Surprise!
Not all of the twin leaves produce a blossom (see the leaves on the left hand side of the photo). Lady's slipper can take four or more years to flower, and then they may not produce a flower every year.
"Graceful and tall the slender, drooping stem,
With two broad leaves below,
Shapely the flower so lightly poised between,
And warm her rosy glow."
---Elaine Goodale
With two broad leaves below,
Shapely the flower so lightly poised between,
And warm her rosy glow."
---Elaine Goodale
The puffy lady's slipper flowers have an intricate pattern of dark pink veins. Honeybees, bumblebees, andrednid and halictid bees enter the flower, only to find they can progress in only one direction. This one-way street ensures that the bees will pass by the anthers and collect pollen.
Acadia is thrilled with our find. Her very favorite color is, of course, pink!
This is the dried seed capsule from one of last year's lady's slippers. The orchid produces over 100,000 miniscule seeds which are dispersed by the wind. However, they can only grow in spots with the perfect combination of soils, moisture, and particular species of symbiotic fungi. The presence of standing seed capsules will clue you in about where to look for flowers in the spring.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Fuller Mountain Brook
The promethea moths must find it satisfactory as well. This cocoon, spun from silk and a spicebush leaf, is extremely well camouflaged. It sure kept its secret from the strollers who were looking hard to spot something "different" on this spicebush tree. Eventually, I had to give it up. The children admired its clever design and felt its weight. The pupa is still inside.
The streambanks are lined with ferns and skunk cabbage. The colors still springlike in their cool intensity. It is an invitation to follow the twists and turns of the riverbend deeper into the forest.
The grapevine arch acts as a portal to the marshy wetland.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Glenmere Lake, 26 April 2009
The 95 degree weather kept most creatures out-of-sight, but we couldn't pass up a quick (but HOT) trip to Glenmere for a picnic in the pavilion. We did see the resident Bald Eagle soaring in the sky as we pulled in, but that's about all we had energy to chase. Who would have thought it would have snowed and been almost 100 degrees in the very same month?
Fuzzy shot because it was soaring so high, but you can clearly see the distinct "straight-out" wingspan of a Bald Eagle.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Fitzgerald Falls, 24 April 2009
Are these dangle earrings or the work of the Caddisfly larvae?