Goose Pond Mountain Created Wetlands, 27 September 2006
Today the Nature Strollers outing boasted moms with children in strollers, children on foot, and in children in slings. Goose Pond was the ideal destination for this combination of environmentalists! Armed with nets and containers, the group went in search of creatures to study. Almost immediately Laurel caught a preying mantis. It was of a beautiful green and red shade, looking very autumnal. Everyone paused to admire it's color.
Some of the moms and children on foot noticed the remains of a turtle nest. We wondered if we'd see any turtles today. Along the boardwalk, the walkers spotted a grasshopper. It was easy to catch, and posed for up-close examination!
Laurel pointed out some milkweed poking through the railings... and it's inhabitant, the monarch caterpillar! It, too, tolerated our curiosity and the children loved looking at it and showing it to each other.
At the second pond, we discovered a baby painted turtle... perhaps the same one we found the other day. Again, the children found it hard to contain their excitement, and proudly showed off their find to each other and to the babies in the strollers. This is exactly what parents on our outings can expect... joy and discovery of our natural world!