Goose Pond Mountain Created Wetlands, 19 June 2008
Kat reflects on an impromptu outing at the boardwalk...

It's been raining on-and-off for almost a week now, prohibiting us from planning any outings. Today seemed promising but it was too last-minute to send out an announcement for a walk. I decided to go on an outing on my own with the kids, and packed them up just after 11am. When we arrived another mother I did not know and her 4-year-old son and 3-month-old daughter were just setting out on the trail. As I unloaded my own children and we started out on the trail, a Monarch Butterfly flitted ahead of me... and I was able to capture it in my net. I had just purchased a small net bug house and had it with me, and I carefully transferred the butterfly to the bug house. It made viewing the butterfly much easier for my toddlers. The girls took turns carrying the butterfly in its temporary home as we caught up to the other family by the second pond. Amber introduced herself, Dylan, and Mia to us and we started talking about getting out with our children as the children admired the butterfly up close. She mentioned that she enjoyed getting out with her son very much but since her daughter's birth it wasn't as easy. I told her a little bit about our group and the Orange County Audubon Society. After a few minutes the children helped me open the bug house and let the butterfly go free. It even gave Lily a kiss as it went, and then it even paused to nectar on some clover so I could get a picture! We continued our walk together, and I pointed out the Milkweed (which was now in bloom) and the Northern Watersnake sunning itself at the edge of the boardwalk. Dylan couldn't get enough of that! Walking around the path back to the cars, I pointed out all the toadlets hopping out of our way. They blended into the path, resembling the pebbles Penelope was so fond of scooping up and letting slip through her fingers. Amber said that she never would have noticed them had I not pointed them out, and she then proceeded to point them out to her son. I asked Lily and Penelope what these little creatures were and I was delighted when they, in unison, answered, "American Toads!" When we got back to our cars I provided Amber and her family with our postcard and magnets. I hope she and her children will accompany us on a future outing.
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