Nature Strollers
The mission of the Nature Strollers is to support parents and grandparents in their role as primary interpreters of nature for their families; to provide opportunities for families to enjoy unstructured time outdoors; to familiarize families with local trails, refuges, sanctuaries and preserves; and to develop networks among families with a common interest in nature.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Goose Pond Mountain Created Wetlands, 10 September 2008
Suzanne and her twin boys joined Kat and I and our daughters for two hours of discovery. The kids took turns puffing a ripe puffball. They were fascinated by each small brown spore cloud they made.
The small pond had some water in it from the recent leftover hurricane rains. The main action in the water was the mosquito wigglers, hundreds by the look of it. A Twelve-spotted Skimmer prowled the sky above the pond, buzzing by the boys' heads as they splashed in the shallows near the shore. Beyond the pond, the wet meadow is covered with blossoming Goldenrod. A good number of Honeybees were visible gathering pollen and nectar for their hive.
Looking down from the boardwalk, we were happy to finally see a Milkweed Tussock Moth caterpillar feeding on a Milkweed leaf. Unlike past years, we found very few Tussock Moth caterpillars or Monarch caterpillars, even though we turned over hundreds of leaves.
A Jewelweed had grown up onto the boardwalk, and to the delight of the children, Kat demonstrated the explosive properties of their seed capsules. The kids took turns spreading the seeds of this annual, a hummingbird favorite.
Also on the boardwalk, a large, still Grasshopper drew our attention. It seemed like a sculpture made of metal, it sat so still.
At the second pond, the boys and girls took turns tossing stones to see them splash. Nathan and Jonathan then bushwacked through the cattails to explore the pond’s edge. A large, orange dragonfly we’d never seen before kept doing fly-bys of our group, until it tangled with a Twelve-spotted Skimmer in a couple of aerial dogfights.
Behind the bench where we chose to rest, a Silver Spotted Skipper drank nectar from the clover. A Great Spangled Fritillary rested for a good long while on the path, hypnotizing everyone as it opened and closed its wings.
A few yards away we all watched, fascinated, as a large orange Tachnid fly (Trichpoda pennipes) cleaned itself on a patch of Goldenrod. Also on the Goldenrod was an unidentified insect. I looked through a few field guides and still cannot say for sure if it is a fly, wasp, or sawfly.
As we returned to the parking lot and checked our watches, we couldn’t believe how time will fly on a beautiful fall day when you are strolling through the marshes watching your children play and learn.