Nature Strollers

The mission of the Nature Strollers is to support parents and grandparents in their role as primary interpreters of nature for their families; to provide opportunities for families to enjoy unstructured time outdoors; to familiarize families with local trails, refuges, sanctuaries and preserves; and to develop networks among families with a common interest in nature.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Glenmere Lake, 08 May 2007

Laurel and Kat scouted out the Glenmere Lake recreation area in Florida to see if we could use it for a Nature Strollers outing, and realized it would be a great place to go. The pavilion and area next to the lake has picnic benches and park benches, and is suitable for strollers and walking toddlers. The trail into the woods was a bit rougher, but could accomodate a jogging or all-terrain stroller. Though they didn't see as many wildflowers as they expected to see, the trail provided a variety of flora to identify. It also allowed their toddlers to get close-up looks at the cabbage white butterflies they are so fond of pointing out. Along the trail they found the homes of various animals, and look forward to coming back with the group.


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